I.                   The aims and objectives of the discipline.

The aim of teaching “Applied psycholinguistics” is to train professionals who possess the knowledge, abilities and skills for psycholinguistic diagnostics to the extent that is necessary in order to:

-  carry out experimental psychological analysis of the individual verbal behaviour;

- establish links between speech activity and the individual characteristics of associative thinking through experiments;

- correct and / or compose texts for their most harmonious emotional impact on potential addressees.

The aim also is to educate students in the spirit of human and national values, forming their communicative competence and influencing the expansion of their general outlook.

The main objectives of the discipline “Applied psycholinguistics” as a cognitive science is the study of:

- Processes of the planning of speech;

- Mechanisms and processes of perception, interpretation, understanding and production of speech;

- Structures and systems of representation of individual knowledge and strategies for cognitive processing discourse;

- Mechanisms of learning and language acquisition in the child's development;

- Issues of bilingualism and mechanisms of learning a foreign language.

The main objective of the course is mastering the knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of psycholinguistics.

Код та найменування спеціальності: 

053 Психологія

Рівень вищої освіти: другий (магістерський)

Форма навчання: 

